Under the supervision of Professor Selma HAJ KHLIFA, Groupe ISCAE SME / VSE Chair organized a webinar around the theme “Bank & SME relationship in the context of COVID19: Conflict or collaboration?” on May 15th, 2029,
This webinar aims to share ideas and experiences between specialists in SME / VSE, in the current context of COVID-19.
This conference brought together academics, entrepreneurs and experts in SME / VSE & entrepreneurship management, and Groupe ISCAE faculty following members: Selma HAJ KHLIFA, Professor of Banking & Finance and Head of the SME / VSE Chair of Groupe ISCAE, Meryem AHARDANE, Lecturer and Researcher in Management Sciences and Azzelarab ZAOUDI, Specialist in Monetary and Financial Economics intended for SMEs / VSEs.
Took part in this webinar: Nabil ADEL, Lecturer and Researcher at ESCA, Adil BOUDESS, Textile Engineer, General Manager of Colorway, member of AMITH and Secretary General of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Portugal, M. Mustapha EL JAI, Doctor in Management Sciences, Expert in Banking and Economics, Member of the General Confederation of Enterprises in Morocco (CGEM).
This webinar highlighted the strategy implemented by Morocco for the fight against the coronavirus and which “stands out as one of the best in the world”, the government support, the financing terms, the cost of the moratorium, the solvency and liquidity support, the role of the Central Bank, the scenarios for the crisis exit, the optimal management of the company’s financial situation in the short term, the financial restructuring in the medium and long terms in the post-crisis period, the digitization of data, the communications and the optimization of the communication and productivity processes of the Digital enterprise.