From October 12th to 17th, 2020, the students enrolled in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years in the Chartered Accounting cycle of Groupe ISCAE took the 1st exams session at Casablanca campus, in respect of the health measures put in place by Groupe ISCAE to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
In fact, the General Management of Groupe ISCAE, the Management of ISCAE-Casablanca, and the academic and administrative bodies mobilized throughout the week to guarantee the ideal conditions for the exams running.
This year, 260 students from ISCAE-Casablanca and 108 students from ISCAE-Rabat were convened to attend the exams.
The Group has implemented a range of specific preventive measures for the conduct of the written tests. These measures included the daily temperature screening, the provision of the hydro-alcoholic gel and the masks at the main entrance to the candidates, teaching and administrative staff, the respect of physical distancing, daily disinfection of hallways and testing rooms before and after each test, daily in-depth cleaning and flows management of the sanitary facilities.
The sanitary protocol covers also in-depth clean-up in all contact points and multiple-use equipment, alcohol gel dispensers at the entrance of testing rooms.
The testing rooms have also been accommodated so as to respect a minimum distance of 1.50m between the participants, as well as regular ventilation of all areas, and the display of safety instructions.