In order to enhance the impact, Mr. Brahim KERZAZI, Assistant Professor at ISCAE has attended a seminar on “The sociology of Executive coaching”, which took place on March 23rd, 2018 at la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme-Paris Nord, FRANCE.
This seminar has dealt with the rise of a new form of psychological « hygiene », due to « new spirit of capitalism ». The functions of coaching become then ambivalent. On the one hand, it contributes to the psychologization of social relationships at work, explaining professional problems by executives’ personalities instead of looking at the nature of their work activity: this is the coaching’s palliative function. On the other hand, this practice helps executives cope with their professional problems, keeping them motivated. The paradox is that in spite of the neomanagerial speeches that feed the « new spirit of capitalism », coaching implicitly fuels abeyance to the rules, planning and hierarchy that still prevail in organizations