La Directrice Générale du Groupe ISCAE a participé au EFMD Strategic Leadership Programme for Deans qui s’est tenu à Bruxelles, du 23 au 25 octobre 2019. Le but était de partager et de discuter des thèmes communs et des défis auxquels tout doyen, directeur ou directeur général est confronté d’une manière ou d’une autre.
Ci après la synthèse des principaux thèmes abordés:
“The General Director of Groupe ISCAE participated to the EFMD Strategic Leadership Programme for Deans that took place in Brussels, from the 23rd to the 25th of October this year. The purpose was to share and discuss common themes and challenges that any Dean, Director or General Director faces in one way or the other.
Actually, there are different kinds of issues that were brought up. Of course, there are strategic challenges such as rethinking the business model of business schools, changing landscape, multi campus choice, multi activity institutions, internationalization, innovative approaches, accreditations. However, it seems like the daily common challenges the Deans and General Directors are dealing with are mainly internal to the organization. It has to do with governance, change management and bringing individuals on board. It is a question of social climate, how to get over that feeling of people not been enough respected and trusted, and how to align performance evaluation with the school strategy. And most of the time these issues lead to conflicts. That’s how operational problems and emergencies are often taking over strategic objectives. And the role of the Dean or the General Director is to moderate and provide leadership while dealing with communication outburst and sometimes aggressiveness. Even committees fall apart because of divergent points of view and perceptions, individual priorities and expectations. So often, it becomes highly emotional and meetings can turn around issues that are not those of initial purpose. Consequently, dealing with personal expectations and frustrations, along with a history of administration / faculty / staff relations, is a recurrent challenge for Deans and General Directors.
Last but not least, financial challenges still came out as recurrent, specifically managing resources, seeking fundings, sustaining and growing programs. It seems also hard to assess each program’s contribution, as most Business Schools don’t know accurately how much money is made out of each activity, because of many common shared resources making it difficult to assess the exact contribution of each « agent » on each activity. This is especially the case for « support agents » that work for all value creation activities, whether it is BtoC (academic programs), BtoBC (executive education) or BtoB (consulting)”
Directrice Générale
Groupe ISCAE